Friday, April 9, 2010

1873 Hopkins Map and Residents

(Click on map to enlarge it)

Owners of properties on Cottage as of 1873 according to the Hopkins map were:

1-3 - John Leonard
5-7 - Jesse Osborn
6 - Cade
8 - W.F. Watson
9 - Benjamin Dow
10 - No house, property of Warren J. Appleton
11 - Charles Moore
12 - Warren Appleton
13 - C.S. Stephen
14 - W.S. Barbour
15 - J. Sparrow
16 - M.E. Church (Methodist-Episcopal?)
19- Eben Byron -(no house)(perhaps Eben Byram listed in 1873 directory)
20 - C. Gove
21 - P.C. Page
23 - not a house, indicated as a barn on property of 34 Magazine Street
24 - Joseph M. Oxford
101 Pearl, see 1 Cottage Street
107 Pearl, listed as "47" Pearl Street, E.K. Perkins
2 Cottage Court - Thomas Dolan
5 Cottage Court - W.F. Watson (see also 8 Cottage)
6 Cottage Court - Pratt

Block 2 - Under Construction

Thursday, April 8, 2010

1880 Census

1880 was the first year that the U.S. Census recorded addresses. The following are a list of Cottage Street residents from the 1880 census:

3 - Christopher Mullen, white male, 36 y.o., widowed, watchman, born MA, parents Ireland
Mary Mullen, daughter, 11 years old
Willie Mullen, son, 10 years old

5 - Nathaniel Ham, white male, 54 years old, carpenter, born NH, parents NH
Ellen Ham, white female, wife, 50 years old, keeping house, born NH
James E. Ham, son, 24 years old, piano key maker, born in Maine
Mary B. Ham, daughter, 20 years old, living at home, born in Wisconson

6 - Amos B. Wells, white male, 34 years old, works in planing mill, born in MA
Ellen J. Wells, wife, 33 years old, keeping house, born in Maine
Nettie Stewart, white female, boarder, 35 years old, widow, born in Maine
Lilla G. Stewart, white, boarder, 14 years old, attending school

7 - Clifford E. Dorr, white male, 32 years old, works in chemical lab, born Ohio
Josephine Dorr, wife, white, 28 years old, keeping house, born in MA
Gracie L. Dorr, daughter, 8 years old, attending school

8 - Caleb S. Buckman, white male, 30 years old, traveling salesman, born in MA
Sarah A. Buckman, wife, white, 30 years old, keeping house
Maude Buckman, daughter, 7 years old
Charles E. Buckman, son, 5 years old
Herbert L. Buckman, son 4 years old
George W. Hale, white male, 19 years old, boarder, works at stationery store

9 - Benjamin Dow, white male, 51 years old, salesman, born in Maine
Mary A. Dow, wife, white, 41 years old, keeping house, born in Vermont
Jennie L. Dow, daughter, 14 years old, attending school, born in MA
Mary (May?) Dow, daughter, 12 years old, attending school, born in MA

10*- No residents found in 1880 census.  There are conflicting records about the date this house was built.  It's not present on the 1873 Hopkins map.  The Cambridge Property Database says the house was built in 1900 but the house appears on the 1894 Bromley map.

11- William Kelsey, white male, 60 years old, furniture dealer, born in England
Elizabeth wife, white, 58 years old, keeping house, born in England
Lizzie R. Kelsey, daughter, 25 years old, living at home, born in MA
Annie S. Kelsey, daughter, 17 years old, living at home, born in MA

12- Warren J. Appleton, white male, 45 y.o, sign and fancy painter, born in MA
Mary E. Appleton, white, 46 years old, keeping house, born in MA
Charles D. Appleton, son, 23 years old, assistant clerk, born in NH
Elmer W. Appleton, son, 18 years old, printer, born in MA

13-Cyrus Stevens, 58 y.o., painter and glazier, born in Maine
Susan Stevens, 59, y.o., wife, keeping house, born in Maine
Charles A. Stevens, 29 y.o, son, painter, born in MA
Nellie Stevens, 28 y.o., keeping house, born in MA
Ella F. Stevens, 3 y.o., born in MA

(now 14 1/2 Cottage)
14- William S. Barbour, white male, 45 y.o., civil engineer, born in MA
Julia Barbour, wife, white, 40 y.o., keeping house, born in MA
Frederick F. Barbour, son, 13 y.o., at school, born in MA
Edwin F. Barbour, sone, 5 y.o., at school, born in MA

15- William H. Dodge, white male, 43 y.o. provision store, born in MA
Ellen A. Dodge, white female, 36 y.o. keeping house, born in MA
Annie S. Dodge, 12 years old, at school
Esther S. Dodge, 6 years old
Ann? Copeland, boarder

20- Calvin Gove, white male, 61 y.o., dealer in provisions, born in MA
Nancy T. Gove, wife, 63 years old, keeping house, born in NH
Harriet J. Gove, daughter, 31 years old, "at home"
Emma L. Holten, daughter, 27 y.o. widowed, at home
Frank M. Holton, (female) grandaughter, 1 y.o.
Grace W. Hall, white female, 5 y.o., boarder
Frederick G. Snow, white male, 22 y.o. boarder, mechanical appreciation??
John H. Snow, white male, 21 y.o., boarder, draughtsman
Daniel Emerson, white male, 20 y.o., apothecary clerk
Reuben C. Hall, white male, 50 y.o., steamboat engineer

21-Francis Josselyn, 47 y.o., inspector at Custom House Boston, born in Maine

Roxie Josselyn, 34 years old, wife, keeping house
Mary G. Josselyn, 13 years old, attending school
Flora Josselyn, 4 years old

24-Joseph M. Oxford, white male, 48 y.o., furniture dealer
Mary F. Oxford, white female, wife, 48 y.o., keeping house
Orriette H. Oxford, daughter, 20 y.o., "at home"
Charles F. Oxford, son, 18 y.o.,  works in store
George H. K. Oxford, son, 10 y.o., in school
Mary A. Kimball, mother-in-law, 75 y.o., "at home"

...more to come.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

1894 Bromley Map

Block 1 of Cottage, 101-107 Pearl and Cottage Court-
Click on map to enlarge

Owners (not necessarily resident) of Block 1 in 1894 were:

3 - Annie Emerson
6 - J.G. Smith (see also 5 Cottage Court)
5-7 - Jesse Osborn
8 - E.P. and C.F. Watson
9 - August F. Scherer
10 - Mary Young
11 - L.A. Kelsey
12 - Mary Appleton
13 - Susan S. Stevens
14 - Cambridge Builders Association
15 - William H. Dodge
16-18 - Allie E. Stevens
19 - E.S. Byram
20 - Charles W. Oxford
21 - P.C. Page
23 - Rebecca L. Kelsey
24 - Mary Oxford
101 Pearl - Annie Emerson
107 Pearl - Elisha Perkins
2 Cottage Court - Thomas Dolan
5 Cottage Court - Heirs to William Dolan
6 Cottage Court - J.G. Smith (see also 6 Cottage Street)

Block 2 30-50 Cottage Street, Click on map to enlarge

Owners of Block 2
30-32-34 - Alfred Morrell
35 - A.C. Waitt
36 - Sarah B. Ford
37 - Asa P. Morse
39-41 - Heirs to Wm. B. Hovey
40 - Isabella Haskell
43 - George B. Reed
44 - Charles C. Fish
45 - Harriet Pope
48 - Heirs to Henry Wood
49 - George S. Evans
50 - E.A. Fisher

Thursday, February 11, 2010

1856 Advertisements

We love ads that show the style of the times, the things people used, the price of certain objects, how people lived or just have beautiful graphics. Here are a few of our favorites from the 1856 Cambridge Almanac and Directory.

1854 Walling Map

This is Cottage Street and the surrounding blocks as they were in 1854. Below are closeups of the first (Pearl to Magazine) and second (Magazine to Pleasant) blocks. We've added notations to show the current house numbers.

(Click on any map to enlarge it.)
This is Cottage Street between Pearl and Magazine Streets. Please note that #14 Cottage is now 14-1/2 Cottage Street. It was moved to the rear of the property in 1890 when the current #14 triple-decker was built.

And this is Cottage Street between Magazine and Pearl Streets.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

1848 Residents

The 1848 Directory of Citizens does not list house numbers. Residents (and their respective occupations) of Cottage Street and Cottage Court are as follows:

Andros, Richard S. - business in Boston
Estabrooks, Samuel P. - plasterer
Estabrooks, William - mason
Ewer, Nanthaniel S. - carpenter
Hovey, Henry - business in Boston
Putnam, Barnes - cooper (barrel maker)

Fuller, Mrs., widow of Oliver, private school
Smith, Sidney - mason

COOPERS, Barney Putnam

According to the Harvard/Radcliffe directory of Cambridge Buildings, the only homes on Cottage Street and Cottage Court as of 1848 are:

8 Cottage Street (built 1843)
12 Cottage Street (built 1846)
14 Cottage Street, 14 1/2 Cottage (built 1846)
24 Cottage Street (built 1838)
N.B. It should be noted that although this directory states that 101 Pearl/3 Cottage and 5-7 Cottage were built in 1849 and 1851 respectively, the Cambridge Historical Commission and National Register of Historic Places date these two dwellings at 1835.

35 Cottage Street (built 1843)
36 Cottage Street (built 1845)
37 Cottage Street (built 1844)
39-41 Cottage Street (built 1846)
40 Cottage Street (built 1839)
44 Cottage Street (built 1839)
48 Cottage Street (built 1839)
50 Cottage Street (built 1846)

2 Cottage Court (built 1843)
5 Cottage Court (built 1844)
6 Cottage Court (built 1841)

1849 Advertisements

If you lived on Cottage St. in 1849 and you didn't want to saddle up your horse to go down to Starbucks, you may have strolled up Magazine St. to this esablishment to pick up a quick double mocha latte.
This humorous ad shows the clothing style of the time. Isn't it nice to see an ad that doesn't set unrealistic expectations for the average American male?
(Click on any photo to enlarge.)

We like this ad because it shows a very recognizable landmark, the Old State House in Boston.

Source for all three ads: 1849 Cambridge Directory and Alamanac

1849 Directory and Almanac

Unfortunately, the Cambridge Directory and Almanac for 1849 does not list the house numbers of Cottage Street residents. We will attempt assign house numbers by cross referencing other sources; e.g., census data, maps, &c., as they become available. They are as follows:

Andros, Richard S. S., business in Boston
Burk, Barney, laborer, Pearl St., corner of Cottage
Coburn, Augustus R., provision dealer
Estabrooks, Samuel P., plasterer
Estabrooks, William, mason, rear Cottage [sic]
Ewer, Nathaniel S., carpenter
Grafton, Benjamin, C.B., clergyman
Hicks, Harvey E., Cottage corner of Magazine
Hovey, William
Jones, Elias, currier [sic]
King, Michael, laborer, Pearl corner of Cottage
Loughman, Martin, laborer, Pearl corner of Cottage
Luney, John, laborer, Pearl corner of Cottage
Putnam, Barnes, cooper (builds barrels)
Snow, Humphrey L., business owner @ 27 Water Street, Boston
Way, Nathaniel O., boards Cottage, corner of Magazine
Wilder, Cyrus D., baker
Whitney, Amos, bridge and wharf builder

Fuller, Mrs., widow of Oliver, private school
Smith, Sidney, mason, Cottage Court (#2, we believe)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Welcome to the Cottage Street Project. Our goal is assemble and organize historical data on the homes and residents of Cottage Street, Cambridgeport, Mass. in an effort to raise awareness of the rich and diverse background of our little neighborhood. If you have any information, particularly historical Cambridgeport photos, please contact the blog administrator.